Sunday, January 18, 2009

"REDLINE" the NEW energy drink

Okay so yesterday I was at work and tried an energy drink that another girl gave to me. I have had almost every energy drink that the market has out there and I can actually say this is one of the best. It's called Redline energy. When my friend was telling me about it she said that you have to be 18 years of age to purchase the drink and that you are only allowed to drink half of the drink because if you drink the whole thing then its way too much. So I started with 1/4 of the bottle and I had so much energy I did not know what to do with myself...let's just say that it was pretty amazing. So the taste, it's call triple berry....the smell is like berry vitamins, and the taste is alright I mean its manageable, so it's not that terrible. I recommend this product for anyone that needs extra energy for your day.

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